A history of progress, one small victory at a time

The Labourers International Union of North America (LiUNA) was chartered on April 13, 1903. The driving force behind the organization was the poor treatment of immigrant workers in Canada and the United States. At the time racial inequality was an accepted business practice, many new immigrants were arriving everyday from Europe and Asia.  The economic climate around the world was in turmoil.

The black and white image features a group of men standing in front of a brick building, holding signs. The men are wearing coats and hats, indicative of cold weather. The central sign, held by two men, reads "VOTE LABORERS LOCAL UNION 1033 AFL CIO MARCH 8, 1968 Roger Williams Park Casino," suggesting a labor union gathering or protest. Additional signs read "Keep Freedom for Workers" and "McGarry Stop Your Threats and Interference." The men are smiling, appearing united in their cause. The brick wall behind them and partially visible windows suggest an urban setting.

Fighting for dignity in a harsh industry

The labour situation was oppressive for the average working class person, this was never more evident than in the construction industry. The attitude of the day was that the life of a labourer was of little consequence, and the death of a worker was even less tragic than the loss of a piece of equipment.

Transforming workplaces, shaping a nation

Once the organization took form many labourers got involved, since that time the changes within the construction industry have revolutionized the way in which people work, and the way in which the employer interacts with the labour force. Unions have throughout our history strived for respect, fair treatment and economic prosperity for their local Union members. Much of the standards of living which all Canadians enjoy is owed in large to the pioneers and visionaries of the labour movement.

 The first Canadian local Union was chartered in 1919. Today, there are many local chapters found across the country, including our chapter: LiUNA Local 837.

1947 magazine cover with a man with a large pick