Personal Protective Equipment

The module “Personal Protective Equipment” will give participants information on the PPE used in various workplaces. This includes specifics about which PPE is most effective; maintenance and proper use of PPE; and laws that apply to PPE use. It is not the intent of this module to promote the use of PPE where more effective controls can be applied.
In fact, it is stressed that PPE should only be used for emergency situations or as an interim measure. If the participants have not taken Basic Certification and if this is either the first module of a stream, or being delivered as a stand-alone, the participants will begin by learning about the criteria for effective control, the hierarchy of controls, the three types of controls and the requirement for worker training, education and information.
This is delivered through the use of active lecture and PPTs. Through brainstorming and group discussion participants will learn about the exceptional conditions under which PPE can be used and its advantages and disadvantages. In small buzz groups they will answer questions assigned to them in a worksheet that covers the topic of PPE required to protect different parts of the body. With the use of active lecture and PPTs, PPE related policy and program is covered. In a group discussion participants learn about relevant laws, and review key regulations and standards related to PPE.
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