Mobile Elevating Work Platform Operator

Duration: 12 hours (2 days)
PPE: Not Required

This program will introduce veteran and novice mobile elevating work platform operators to the different groups and types of lifts, the hazards and the legal obligations when operating a lift. Participants will receive instruction on how to safely operate a lift and demonstrate their skill and knowledge through a practical session.

This program is an one day course. Participants will engage in classroom activities and use worksheets to facilitate a review of the content. Participants will complete a job safety analysis that includes a risk assessment, site assessment and a rescue plan.

Each participant will operate the lift(s) to demonstrate proficient operation to complete a series of tasks. If successful, each participant will receive a record of training (ROT) stating the model of lift operated, the completion date and retraining date. CSA standard states retraining interval every five years.