Electrical Hazards
Duration: 4 hours
PPE: Not Required

Electricity is sometimes referred to as the silent killer because electrical hazards are often difficult to detect. But electricity is a vital part of our lives and so we have to learn how to protect ourselves from its hazards. This is especially true for the workers who have to work with it on a daily basis as the injuries from electrical incidents can be horrendous. The Electrical Hazards program is intended to enable participants to identify and assess electrical hazards, and recommend controls. It is divided into ten main sections:
- Review of the health and safety policy and program
- Scope and magnitude of the problems associated with electricity
- Commonly used electrical terms
- Electrical hazards
- Injuries and health effects of electrical hazards
- Legislation relevant to electrical hazards
- Specific assessment for preventing shock and arc flash
- Review of principles of control
- Effective controls to reduce worker exposure to specific electrical hazards
- Review
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